
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am doing an assignment for marketing research where in i have to investigate the bread market of Nz because e have to launch a bread within 12 months . How to write the objectives for this . I am doing secondary research for the bread market so what should be the objectives. the common objective is to determine the size of th bread market in dollar terms and in terms of number of customers? how to write the other objectives
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Hi there.

    Objectives for marketing research are what you want to determine. Marketing research can be used to determine an infinite number of different things: Market size, segmentation, demand, customer needs, distribution requirements, price elasticity, competitive market share, brand preferences, and so forth. Primary research will interact directly with customers (surveys, focus groups) and secondary research will review literature for existing data. So, given this, what do you think you need to understand to launch a bread product in Nz?

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    so will this be a good objective to find out the various brands of bread in the market
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    If I understand your question correctly, you are asking is a good objective for you research would be:

    Identify the brands of bread in the market

    Yes, this would be a valid objective. In fact, this could be an objective for primary research (actually surveying customers) and secondary research - look at what is available in articles and papers.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You probably ought to find out not only which brands hold what market share, but also what types (e.g., white, whole wheat, rye, multi-grain, etc.) hold what shares of market. You'll want to know not only how large the total market is, but also how that volume splits on different dimensions.

    You might also want to see if there are significant differences by market, by retail outlet, etc. And how much of the market is controlled by small, local bakeries vs. country-wide major manufacturers.

    The more you can learn about the market the better. You might also want to see if you can identify the heavy users of bread. Food service versus consumer, the 80/20 rule ("Do 20% of the consumers consume 80% of the bread?"), how does the market split by price point, etc.?

    Hope this helps.

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