
Topic: Strategy

Easiest Marketing Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
What marketing strategy is easy to do or follow for business novices?
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Call. Mail. Call.

    Simple. Effective.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    If it was easy anyone could do it. None of it is easy. Get a basic book like "get clients now". You build a monthly marketing plan out of hundreds of "success ingredients". Don't go for the passive tactics -- go for those that put you in front of your clients. Develop good daily marketing habits. Understand that whatever you are marketing-- it's not the product or service, it's the solution.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    You will only get general answers because your question is so general. Who you sell to and what you are selling with greatly affect what the best way to market and sell it is.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Get a job. Don't risk your time and effort trying to start a business if you don't already have your marketing plan sorted out and ready to implement from day one.
  • Posted by Michael Richter on Member
    Hi 'Big Money' (your name !),

    to be honest, I never heard about a really easy marketing strategy - one always needs time to 'digg in', bend your brain, elaborate in writing, be consistent and flexible.

  • Posted on Author
    ASVP/ChrisB: I am a retired employee (I should have mentioned it).

    As for the rest, I apologize for posting a general question. I am from Philadelphia, and recently ventured into a restaurant business. What strategy can you suggest for me? I am a newbie in this kind of thing.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Distribute leaftlet/flyer with a launch promotion in your area. probably a 50% discount on their first visit, or a free drink with any meals ordered for the first week of launch.

    or, you could do a 'open house', a concept whereby you invite all the residents in that area for a meal for free. choose a lunch or dinner time (only once), serve buffet of your most delicious items on the menu. then give out discount/ free gift vouchers for their next visit.

    good luck with your launch :)
  • Posted on Author
    Alicia C:

    You sure have neat suggestions. I'll try on those. Thanks!

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