
Topic: E-Marketing

Impact Of E-subscription On Sales Of Magazines

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
dilemma is, generally magazines are sold on newsstands, through vendors, door to door selling and are also available for free on website of the company. in this situation can the sales of magazine be increased through e-subscriptions or e-channels
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Never say never, but why would someone buy an e-subscription if the magazine is available for free on the internet? Maybe I don't understand the question.

    Is this a consumer/general interest magazine, a business magazine, or a specialty publication? It's possible the answer would be different in a specific circumstance. Is the magazine primarily a hardcopy/traditional magazine?

    Maybe you can add some information and clarify your question.
  • Posted on Author
    to mgoodman..
    actually its a group that publishes all kinds of magazines viz business, general English magazine containing current issues, fashion magazine, magazine related to geographical issues, magazine on celebrities etc. and also the magazine is primarily in hard copy form.

    karen, u got it right and i like ur thought and will consider it. thanks. but if u can please give me more insights, i will be thankful to you
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Offer e-subscribers access to the magazine earlier.
    Offer e-subscribers access to the magazine in Kindle/iPad optimized format (ePub).
    Offer e-subscriptions in other languages.
    Offer e-subscriptions in podcast (audio) format.
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear Vaibhav,

    The e-subscription/channel will just be another sales outlet for your magazines and you would have to approach it as such. You have to determine whether the cost of implementation is worth the extra sales you will get via e-subscription.

    Like Karen mentioned, you will of course have to provide something extra for your paying members, assuming that some parts of your magazines are already available for free online.

    A lot of industry chatter involves the demise of printed magazines, so offering your print magazine subscribers an option to move to an e-subscription would also be something you should consider.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting
  • Posted on Author
    i would like to thank all of you for giving me such useful insights.

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