
Topic: E-Marketing

Ebook Online Sales

Posted by Anonymous on 175 Points
I am trying to sell an eBook through online listings and press releases without much luck at all. I am beginning to get some visitors on my site, but no sales. I have no budget, so I have been doing mostly free things. Any ideas to increase sales?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Susan, I went to have a look, but your link to the ebook is broken.

    You've got to drum up interest in the book first. Start a blog on the topic (if you haven't already). Guest post on the topic on other blogs. Spread the word on forums (as appropriate). Write articles on the topic.

    There's a post on ProBlogger today you might find helpful. Darren Rowse is a rockstar blogger, who just launched an ebook and shared some lessons from that launch.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: the link does work: )

    A press release isn't the right way to drum up interest. Also, can you give away a free chapter in exchange for email contact info?

    Instead of waiting for people to show up and want what you're selling, go to them. Look at online forums (blogs, etc.) where people are discussing problems that your ebook solves. Showcase your expertise, and mention your ebook (don't overtly sell it) - reference it naturally as appropriate.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi there,

    Thanks for the comments. I guess I was hoping for a quick fix, looks like it will take me a little longuer to reac my goal.

    As for the link, can you guy's try it again because it is working for me. Thanks
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear Susan,

    You've hit the nail on the head. There is no quick fix in garnering sales for your ebook, the way to go is building your traffic slowly but steadily along with trying to garner expert status in your niche.

    If however you do need those first few quick sales to reassure yourself that your product is marketable, I would recommend setting up an Adwords account. You don't have to spend a ton of money and I am sure the insights gained by that will be valuable.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

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