
Topic: Student Questions

Employee Engagement/ Internal Marketing Thesis

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Im working on my thesis about employee engagement, in my research I have found that internal marketing used term in the industry.

I was wondering what your advice could be on research questions.
Because questions like 'is there employee engagement at [company name]' and 'what kind of internal marketing instruments are there at [company name]' is to broad.

I appreciate anyone who can help me/ guide me in the right direction.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    I think Knowledge Management is an area you should explore.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm not sure you can get good responses by asking directly about employee engagement. It's not a clearly defined or measured thing, so people may not have a good way to assess or quantify it.

    You'll have to come up with some surrogate measures that are symptoms of employee engagement, and then ask about those.

    We've been involved in a number of internal marketing initiatives over the years, and the question always arises, "How will we measure results?" You'll need to have specific objectives and metrics for success.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks your posts!

    I thought it would be good to use a survey that ask employees about engagement/ company climate/ company culture.

    In my research i have found that Internal Marketing and Employee Engagement are the same things.

    I could not find anything about sharing knowledge in global companies. Has this been researched by anyone?

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