
Topic: Strategy

Trade Show/conference Giveaway Idea

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
Hi All!

I'm in need of some assistance regarding the types of items that would be suitable for distribution/giveaway at a trade show geared towards the Building Automation Field/Consulting Specifying Engineers/HVAC Contractors/Controls Engineers, etc...We are sponsoring the event, and amongst the many things we want to do is have something handy at our booth/tables that attendees can take away with them. We have an internal meeting in the morning, which all attendees will present a list of ideas...The problem is, I completely lost track of this impending meeting, and have very little time to brainstorm... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind, and those of you who have attended tradeshows/conference with similar offerings can confirm this, the item will probably be better received if it is compact and light in weight. What ever we decided on, it will most likely be augmented to include company logo and whatever verbiage we deemed complementary to our brand building strategy...

Thanks again ladies and gentlemen.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Well, there is a product that has been receiving a lot of attention for corporate promotion items/gifts.

    They are a series of 3D, gepmetric wood puzzles (Cube, Orb, Cylinder, Pyramid) and can be easily co-branded with a company logo...even custom packaging. The puzzles are high quality and very difficult to piece together...hence the attracttion for engineers to "compete" for who can complete the puzzles. You can have some laying out on the table for people to play with and you can give them away to your most promising leads. There is a pocket version of the Cube which would work great as a gift for all.

    The site is . Since I work with them for similar productions, I can help facilitate any order. Just be sure to tell them I sent you (you will get forwarded to me anyway).

    It would be a great way to get away from the pens, magnifying glasses, notepads, mousepads, laser pointers, etc you typically see at trade shows..not to mention the puzzles are of high enough quality to sit on any desk, bookshelf etc with style, as opposed to a cheap plastic widget that will get passed on to the kids when the visitors go home...or end up in the secretary's drawer as "Look, More Free Pens"!

    I hope this helps.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    At ASHRAE trade shows (similar field to what you are aimed at), you would always see people walking around with yard sticks (yard long measuring sticks, usually in some neon color). For some reason, seeing other people carrying them made other attendees want to get one, and kept them in high demand.

    Kind of defied logic, as these are tough items to carry back on a plane, so if someone though about it, they wouldn't want one. But no one seemed to think of this, and they were in demand.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Noel,

    Having been through your situation many times, my best advice is to talk to a promotional premiums company directly. They know every product available and what works best for each industry and each show.

    The one I recommend is

    Talk to Kevin Kelly, he does this everyday for corporations. He knows what works and what doesn't work, and he'll take great care of you.

    With nearly 1 million products available to him from all his sources, he can get you ordered up, printed, and shipped with very little pain and effort on your part.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Pepper Blue has it right. Talk with a promotional premiums professional. They'll tell you what works best with your kind of audience, within your budget, and what's available on your tight timing.

    Of course, you need someone who is really a professional at this, not someone who is moonlighting or has a brother-in-law in the plastic injection molding business.

    They'll also be able to tell you what's hot today at trade shows generally, what's passe, etc.

    Like many specialists, a good premium rep adds more value than his/her cost. Besides, they're paid by the premium manufacturers, so there's no out-of-pocket cost to you, and they'll probably be able to get you better pricing than you could get on your own.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi Noel

    i like the idea of Rajiv regarding the Bags (any bags will do, cotton will be great). Pls do think about the excellent advices provided by experts above.

    how about giving away
    1. Leather Folders that can carry all the papers and other accessories for the participants
    2. Branded T-Shirt, although this is very common but then again this acts as a great advertisement and useful for people.
    3. Branded Cap can also do.

    hope this helps


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