
Topic: E-Marketing

Offshore Marketing Agencies For Us Firms ?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I could only see one question on this in my search here, and there were no useful answers to it.

We're a small firm, exploring hiring an offshore agency to drive all aspects of our marketing. We'd like them to cover everything, from soup to nuts.

We'd prefer a US agency, but the budget is just not there.

Does anyone here have experience with a solid, affordable, offshore agency that is strong in B2B marketing and demand generation ?

Thankyou in advance for any recommendations.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Demand generation? That doesn't sound like a marketing thing. Maybe you mean "satisfying demand." That would be marketing.

    You identify a need and come up with a way to satisfy that need. When your target audience learns that you have a product or service that satisfies an important need of theirs, they buy it. A marketing success!

    The key is really understanding the target audience at a deep level. It's unlikely you'll find an offshore agency that has the kind of in-depth knowledge of a US market well enough to help you.

    Maybe the problem is your budget, not the location of the agency. Consider the value of what you really want. If your budget is less than that value, then you have two choices: increase the budget or re-define the value (i.e., adjust your expectations so they fall within your budget).
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    My gut says that marketing in full is not an area that can be effectively offshored. At the very least, there needs to be someone who knows the product(s) and markets very well who is guiding this process, and the chances of this knowledge being in an external source is pretty slim. At the very least, hire a product or marketing manager who knows (or can learn quick) the products and markets and then have them guide what outsourcing would be needed.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello Gordon,

    when you state "marketing" I am assuming you are pertaining to internet marketing . Implementing and understanding SEO,SEM and social media optimization are key to your online marketing success. I would also assume that you have done your research and know what key terms you would like to go after, that being said and as mentioned by our esteemed mentor mgoodman an offshore company that will implement your online marketing "soup to nuts" will be much less effective than a company insider who has a better understanding of your offerings and most importantly your prospective clients. I highly agree with Peter that having a product manager or at the least a consultant who understands your market is a better alternative. Perhaps you would like to take on this task yourself. When you come up with a marketing plan then you can start looking into the possibility of outsourcing the tedious tasks associated with SEO and SMO like directory submissions and article creation and submissions and social bookmarking on a per project basis as opposed to a full marketing campaign.

    No one knows your business as well as you .

    Mik Pam
    Boost Search Marketing

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