
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing (kpi) Key Performance Indicator

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have an Assignment I have to do pertaining to KPI and have no clue how to do it; please HELP!

I have Select one corporate job position (I chose Marketing Program Manager position from Apple Inc.) within the organization you are evaluating (I choose Apple Inc.) and identify TEN (1) KPA’s or KPI’s that are specific to that position (don’t use general KPI’s that can apply to any job…be specific).

Third..for each KPI/KPA make sure you identify specific “measurements”.

Fourth…place the KPI’s in rank order (the most important and necessary listed first and the least important and least necessary listed last).

The KPI’s should be listed on ONE slide in rank order. The speaker’s notes will be where you explain (consider at least a paragraph for each) each KPI/KPA.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What don't you understand? It seems pretty straightforward. I presume you're not expected to really know what goes on within the company, so you can "make up" the KPIs you would expect might apply to the job.

    FWIW, Apple is probably not the easiest company for this assignment, as their product line is quite diverse. It would be a lot easier for a company with just one main product. Or pick just one of Apple's products, and do the assignment for the Marketing Program Manager for that product.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    So, if you were Marketing Program Manager at Apple (or the boss of this person), how would you know you were successful? What would you need to achieve or accomplish?

    Think about what the duties would be for this person. Then think about how you can quantify whether those duties were completed. That is the start to your KPI.

    Some basic info on KPI:
  • Posted on Member
    You can refer similar topic in our forum

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