
Topic: Strategy

Adding Value For Clients In Recruitment Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am currently working part time for a small recruitment agency based in the Midlands. My MD has tasked me with coming up with new and innovative marketing ideas to engage and add value to our clients (not job seekers but actual companies) who come from a wide range of sectors. Items we already undertake are legislation newsletters, emails and mailers giving advice and HR events on legislation inviting HR professionals to listen to speakers and network.

A few ideas i have come up with are as follows:
A repeat business loyalty scheme
A 'your guide to using an agency' pdf brochure
Some support a cause marketing for PR
Affiliate recruitment schemes - maybe join up with a company making redundancies to offer advice and find employees work (we always need good candidates) in the hope that when times improve the company will come to us for their staff
Blogging as a means of showing our knowledge (not too good with this area so suggestions welcome!)
A 'Staff Room' area of our website offering advice on HR
Start an open forum with associated companies
Online polls to liven up our website

...And that's about it! My MD certainly likes her pound of flesh for my measly £8 per hour so any ideas are more than welcome! Recruitment is a difficult industry at the best of times and with an annual marketing budget of virtually nothing i'm struggling.

Thank you

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    To add value to the customer, you'll want to do things which make their recruiting easier, cheaper, or more effective. The list of items you already undertake has a few good examples of things that do this. One thing to consider is relooking at these and seeing if they can be improved.

    Of your list, the guide to using an agency and affiliate recruitment stand out.

    Blogging to me isn't that different than the newsletter you already do, except for timing and format. I personally prefer a newsletter or mailer that is sent to me, rather than a blog that I have to go look at (and likely won't make the time to do).

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I have done a half a dozen marketing campaigns for recruited companies, and I am by no means an expert. In the course of performing these marketing campaigns, I have asked a number of HR professionals what they are looking for from a recruitment company.

    Not one of them mentioned blogs or newsletters or helpful HR advice.

    the most common thing which was requested by HR managers was: a fresh source of quality candidates. The HR people I spoke with were not looking for additional companies who would provide the same candidates from the same basic sources. They were most interested in fresh names from new sources.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    As a past massive user of external recruiters I would always value integrity and good fit to freshness - almost everyone I ever saw I was seeing for the first time anyway. So they were always fresh to me, FWIW...

    So as far as getting a good fit is concerned, how about pre or post initial interview testing candidates for fit within the organisational culture?

    For example:

    Hope that helps

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