
Topic: E-Marketing

What Can I Give Away For Free On My Website

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

I work in the construction industry. Handyman, Painter and decorator etc.

I have heard that I should give something away for free on my website to obtain email address's for contact later to make a sale.

What can I give away on my squeeze page as I am a service provider???
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about an article/ebook that you write: "Top 10 tips for saving money in home maintenance"?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I second what Jay says. An article or a write up related to your business that provides value to the customer (so they will be willing to leave their email address) would work. And if you are the author, it helps show your expertise in the area.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    We do great with e-books.

    Users like it because it is instant.

    THey sign up and leave contact details and then they get right away a link to downlaod the tips book.

    I looked at your site - here are some quick thoughts.

    1. cirrect the spelling mistake on the left NAV JOINEIR ?
    2. On your contact form, ASK MORE DETAIL.

    Get first name , last name, PHONE NUMBER (doesn't have to be mandatory)
    Ask the size and value fo the house for instance (can be a drop down list selection).
    Type of work they are interested in. (another drop down)
    Ask if they have used a handy man service before ?

    DOn't be afraid to ask a lot - it makes you sound more professional and builds confidence in the prospect. After filling all the fields, you give them the e-book tips.

    Good luck.


    PS: Get rid of the Google ads - it makes your site look cheap as though you can't afford to put up a web site. It makes your prospects leave the site right away because they feel you are not serious.

    Make money from selling your services, not from selling Google Ads.

    Good luck.


  • Posted on Author
    I agree with adverts comments. I am in process of removing these now.

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