
Topic: Strategy

Where And How To I Gain Sponsorship For My Event?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am hosting a music event, the event will have about 3000 people and I am looking for sponsorship to cover some of the costs, does and one have any knowledge that will help me? Or better still want to sponsor my event?
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  • Posted on Member
    Think about this? How can someone decide to sponsor your event if you do not have a clear description of what your event is. Take note that sponsoring involves money. Show them why your event is worth sponsoring.

    When you ask for sponsorship, aside from your personal appearance, be sure to have a written proposal ready. State what your event is all about and who or what organization will benefit from it.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You have to first answer-- why would they want to sponsor your event. What is in it for them?

    Do not mail them anything. Call them and have a sit down. Lay it down, why they should be sponsors.

    Begin with the end in mind-- how much $$ do you need? How many sponsors? Do you need levels or sponsorship? What companies will directly benefit from this sponsorship?

    I have done this kind of campaigns many times. Its all about finding a champion. Pool your group and have a discussion-- who do you know -- who can you pull in? Who do you think should be in?

    Divide the group and make the call. Its not easy, but its not that hard either....
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Very strange your question.

    First you say "I am hosting'.

    Is this a birthday party? or just a fun thing that you want to do to entertain friends and family? Is it a commercial endeavourA? ie, you want to make money selling tickets? or your giving away the tickets fro free?

    You want to cover some costs?

    Which costs? ALL the costs, costs for the sound sytema dn stage rental?

    What is the overall objective of your event? Have fun and make people happy?

    Provide work for the musicians?

    Promote a product or service or yourself?

    Try to clatify first exactly what it is you are doing and then you can start to come up with a sponsorship package.

    I hope this event is at least six months away because otherwise ti is too late to start looking for sponsors at this late stage before Christmas.

    Good luck.

  • Posted by Krista on Accepted
    The key here for any sponsor is that they are looking for a reason to sponsor. Give them a good enough reason and they will do so.

    What is a good enough reason?

    All businesses and organizations want publicity, goodwill and recognition.

    When they sponsor your event, what can they get out of it? How much of publicity can they expect? Is it a national event? Which media is covering or will cover the event? Any famous people gracing the event?

    How will your event help these sponsors get known out there?

    What's in it for THEM if they sponsor your event?

    That is where the VALUE of sponsoring comes in. What value can they expect to derive from your event? If that value is a lot more than what they sponsor (either cash or kind), then your sponsors will beat a path to your door.

    If you start from their perspective, you will find that it is easier to get sponsors. If you begin from your perspective, it will be tough.

    Ask yourself this: Why should a company sponsor my event? What can they get out of this?

    Hope this helps!

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