
Topic: E-Marketing

Where To Find More Buyers For My Website Sale Biz?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I currently sell fully automated content start up blog sites on one of the largest buy/sell website marketplaces and I do okay. 60% of my auctions sell and they sell for the buy it now price too.

I'm finding that sometimes it can be a struggle to get a website to sell though - a buyer just isn't interested in a certain niche that I've already chosen or the marketplace becomes over saturated with these startup blogs.

So I'm looking to head down another channel to increase business and sales.

Instead of me picking the site and niche that I think people want, it's obviously better that I create something that somebody already wants and so I'd like to open myself up to create custom niche blog sites for small businesses so that they can direct the traffic from the site I make for them, to their own website and hopefully increase profits.

How would I go about marketing this and getting lots more buying customers? Email small business owners? SEO a website with good keywords?

I'm on a very low budget.

Thanks for any advice.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not focus more on those 60% niches that sell quickly? Do you have any testimonials/white papers showing that what you do makes a bottom-line difference for prospects? If so, that'll help your marketing greatly.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I'm not sure that I understand you're offering or your business model completely, but one thing that you say jumps off the page at me.

    I usually get worried when professional marketing people want to target small business owners. Small business owners typically do not pay for marketing.

    It sounds to me as though you are looking for a small business owner who is both excellent and clueless in the area of web-based sales and marketing. You are counting on this person closing business from visitors to their website. Yet this person apparently does not know how to drive business to their own website, and apparently does not know how to create their own blog.

    Again, I'm not sure that I understand your business model. And I'm not an Internet marketing guy, I'm more of an expert on outbound business-to-business marketing.

    it seems to me that small business owners generally do not like to pay for marketing, do not know how to measure the effectiveness of marketing, and probably will be less than 100 percent effective in capitalizing on any traffic you drive to their site.

    Maybe this will work. Maybe you will get rich. But if it were me, I would design a program designed for larger companies who have a track record of paying professional rates for professional marketing services.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    I'm not sure that I understand what you mean either. By fully automated content do the purchasers not have to write anything? What is the purpose of your product and could you possibly give us some examples in order to assist you better.

    Having to keep an up-to-date blog is a chore, but without a personal touch, it is just a meaningless presence on a web full of other meaningless presences!
  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    Are you selling on ebay turnkey websites whose content are automatically generated by affiliate programs and articles?

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