
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Website Suggesting Lucky Mobile No's

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

We have built a website which suggests personalized mobile numbers to the users based on users profile. We are looking for a good trendy 5-6 letter word name for our website.
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  • Posted on Author
    By personalized mobile number suggestion I mean a number which matches your college roll no, or your car number or say your anniversary date.

    Please suggest any name which is catchy even if its longer
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I still don't get it. Who is the target audience? What country/continent? What's the benefit? Why might someone want your service? What's in it for them? How much does it cost? What does the target audience think it's worth? Do you have any hard research that suggests people want this?

    It's really difficult -- maybe impossible -- to come up with naming ideas without understanding what it is you're trying to communicate with the name and to whom.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    So you ask users for a whole load of their personal information and then suggest a number?

    How about "Identity Theft Risk dot Com"?
  • Posted on Author
    Chris looks like u have been stung before that's why you are so sarcastic, we are here to create value and not in the business of stealing
  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    I would say that usually people have a very clear idea of what a lucky number is to them. But say you suggest them a mobile phone do they get it? In many countries you are given a number and you can consider yourself lucky enough if you get a choice between two or three numbers.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Lucky Dial
    Call Me Lucky
  • Posted on Author
    Evan an empty name sounding good wiil do

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