
Topic: Strategy

Web Domain Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a web hosting business and it's hard to get clients. My site is is this type of business to much competition
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  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    According to Alexa your traffic rank is 21,440,883, you'll have to promote it. But, the problem you might encounter is that being a reseller you basically charge higher rates than the website hosting company you are affiliated with...
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What have you done to get clients? What has worked, and what hasn't? Do you have a marketing plan? If so, what needs adjusting? If not, maybe that's the place to start.
  • Posted on Accepted
    @scott : Web hosting is a very tough market to penetrate relative to SEO and even PPC is quite expensive . From an SEO perspective this category ranks up there in difficulty a little below the 3 P's (Poker,Pills,Porn) . You have your work cut out for you and you have to be creative if you want to be successful in this niche. My take is that you promote your web design business and this is a side service and not the other way around. Take a look at Vistaprint they are primarily an online printing company but they advertise "free" websites to promote their web hosting packages.

    Hope this helps

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    You have a strong proposition, you just need to really understand with laser like detail WHO your target market(s) are.

    Are you going after B2C or B2B ?

    Have you researched your competition? what do thye offer, how do they offer it? What do you offer that is different or better than the competition?

    ARe you targetting developers? It is often the developers that will make this decision on behalf of their end user clients - are you offering them an incentive or a member get member programme?

    What is a potential client really looking for?

    Is it price?
    is it security?
    is it guaranteed up time?
    is it applications - (PHP ASP etc. )
    is it SERVICE (this is a big one for me personally).

    You may have many different clients motivated by m,any different reasons to make the buying decision so don't only focu on price with your pitch.

    Generate WhIte Papers all about hosting to set yourselves up as expertes in the industry. Get them out via FB, Twitter, EMail marketing etc.

    Refiine, refine, refine your Google PPC campaigns to be sure you are targetting the right key words and getting the most cost effectiveplacements. Monitor your ROI daily.

    Use OPtimiser relentlessly for A/B testing of your campaignms and landing/conversion pages to boost conversion to the enth degree.

    There are so many cost effective marketing actions that you can do to build your business but it is hard work - just be prepared to work you A** off to bring QUALIFIED leads and convert them.

    Feel free to get in touch if you need help with your strategy.

    Good luck.


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