
Topic: E-Marketing

Sms Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the best step by step approach when putting together a SMS marketing campaign?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Jack,

    I have never put together a short message service (SMS) marketing campaign, but here is a free marketing guide download which looks like it could be a big help:

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    Key steps:

    1. Establish target market and list of cell phone numbers

    2. Decide whether the marketing is for a specific event, or whether you need the prospect to be in proximity to a particular place before the message has any validity...

    3. Identify an aggregator who can send bulk messages cheaply and handle responses for you (specialized cal center)

    4. Write some brilliant, short copy...

    5. Send your messages.

    6. Fulfill the responses!

    Couple of caveats:

    1. Don't send unsolicited messages... People hate e-mail spam; sending phone-spam will cause irretrievable brand damage.

    2. Make sure receiving the message doesn't incur a charge for the recipient. Our largest telecoms company here once sent subscribers an advertisement to their voice mailbox (I know, that's not SMS) which meant the users incurred retrieval charges, it all got nasty and ended up in court.

    I am pretty sure if you approach an SMS specialist they will be able to save you heaps on per-message costs, should be only a couple of cents per message, not the 20-25 cents most users pay their carrier for one-offs.

    Remember SMS is short (Duh...) so the message needs to be sharp, concise, distinct and with a call-to-action (maybe a free call to an embedded number), and a "get-me-off" unsubscribe instruction. Phew....

    Have you thought about how you would garner a target market list of phone numbers?

    Good luck.


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