
Topic: Student Questions

What Are Ethical, Legal, And Regulatory Differenc

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Please give example for ethical legal and regulatory. Thank you
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi DUYFAM,

    are you a student? if you are please read the important guide lines #5.

    here is a site about some legal issues to do with telemaketing and spam.

    Legal Stuff:

    i will do some more reasearch and post back later

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Ethical - "You OUGHT not do this"

    Legal - "You CANNOT do this"

    Regulatory - " We will not ALLOW you to do this" (the control of a law or "ethic")

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Moral... The things we all know are wrong without anyone making a law about it.

    Like spitting in the street, being cruel to children and animals, dropping litter, cheating on your boy/girlfriend, being two-faced or talking behind someone's back.

    Come to think of it, some of those are illegal too, which shows not everyone knows what is immoral and what is not...

    Not much difference between regulatory and legal matters. Regulatory bodies such as the Police, the FAA, FCA, etc regulate by administering laws and securing observance. E.G. The FCA fined the network (CBS?) over the Jackson/Timberlake "Wardrobe Malfunction" during the Super Bowl. The FCA didn't make the law, but it is the regulator.

    Go speeding on the freeway and the Police will give you a ticket. They didn't make the law, the Government did. The Police are just the regulators.

    Non-regulatory Legal issues include things like breach of copyright, breach of contract, where a civil action must be brought because there is no official regulatory body to enforce the law. These are usually called Torts where I come from, (But I am not a Lawyer!!!)

    Hope this helps.


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