
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creative Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I will be starting a home business that is not new to the market place but I am hoping to draw a newer younger group to the idea. The latest way to have a "girl's night out". I will be selling jewelry at home parties just like that of tupperware or candle parties. My target consumer will be females between the age of 18-35. The jewelry is the latest trend and fashion. I will be offering the "hottest" celebrity style on the college student budget. The products are always changing so what you saw at last month's party will differ from that of this month's party.
I am having a hard time coming up with catchy hip name.
I was toying around with something like Tinker's Closet but not sure if it sounds too childish. Tinker is my daughter's nickname.
Then I thought of "Spice" or "Spicy" - tag line "Add some Flavor to your outfit" but not sure if it sounds to provocative?

Other Ideas:
Avenue M
Sapore (italian word for spice)

I am open to any suggestions or critics ;)

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If the name won't give a clue what your business is about, then it really doesn't matter what you call it so long as your target market thinks it's "hip". The problem you'll face is conveying what you're selling (and to what group of people) - and that's extra work for your tagline and/or marketing to convey.
  • Posted on Author
    I do agree the tagline and/or marketing is really the most important part since this business is about "selling parties" & not the jewelry. (Although my jewerly is great and can sell its self. I typically never come home with the jewelry I went out with. Someone usually buys it off of me during the day)
    I will be providing the jewerly to the "host" of the party and work with her on the products she thinks her friends and family would purchase. So I would rather book 5 additional parties from the one party than have no bookings and only sold some jewelry and handbags.
    Thanks you have given me something to think about.
  • Posted on Member
    In my area 35 year old women are very hip and I don't think your demographics would be off. Depends if you're urban or suburban (or rural!)
    I have a friend who has a successful biz as you've described and she used her name + the word closet. With jewelry it's usually called a trunk show. You could also use the word "club" as people like to be in the know or part of one. I'd avoid "home party" as it sounds older (like a tupperware party) and use trunk show or closet.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear whosyourlobster

    All of the advice you're read above? Gold. All of it.

    But here's the thing: you mention "I will be starting a home business that is not new to the market place but I am hoping to draw a newer younger group to the idea."

    You will be starting? Or you have started?

    "My target consumer will be females between the age of 18-35. The jewelry is the latest trend and fashion. I will be offering the "hottest" celebrity style on the college student budget."

    Are you CERTAIN you have buyers? Have you done your homework on this, carried out all due diligence, and do you know FOR SURE that the women in your target group are interested in your wares?

    "The products are always changing so what you saw at last month's party will differ from that of this month's party."

    Beware, here, that this approach does not become a curse. People want to buy the things that others have already bought. This might mean needing to carry several lines: the regular favorites, AND the goods that change from month to month.

    "I am having a hard time coming up with catchy hip name."

    You do NOT need a catchy name. You need a name that connects with potential buyers. This means having a name that includes words such as "jewelry". Catchy, in and of itself is NOT a powerful selling strategy. The name alone will not sell your goods.

    "I do agree the tagline and/or marketing is really the most important part since this business is about "selling parties" & not the jewelry."

    You're right on the first part of this but wrong on the second. Your business is NOT about "selling parties", it's about aligning the benefits of ownership of the jewelry and the perceived value that ownership imparts, and it's about giving more in terms of value than the total price paid of the goods. When you give solid reasons that connect the desired outcome of your buyer with their life s it will be AFTER the purchase, THEN you create the framework that supports recommendations in the guise of social proof, loyalty, and "must have".

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Author
    Wow - where do I start. All of this advise is great.

    @ medii-8 - I am 32 and agree that I do find the things someone younger wears to be hip and I can add it to my own style so that is why I find that 18-35 is a good age range. A little bit older seems to like the "real" stuff like diamonds and gold. Don't get me wrong my grandmother even buys a few of my things :) I live in Orange County, Ca so the market is out there. I really like the term "trunk show" - Thanks!

    @W.M.M.A. - Tinker's Jewel Box "Look Like the Star you Are" I absolutely love it. You have opened my mind up. Time for me to wrap my head around this one and see what I can come up with.

    @Gary Bloomer - I love the way you dissected my original post. You are making me think here. I have already started the business as a way to help my mom out. Long story short she was selling the jewelry to a few small boutiques. So I just starting giving her my opinion on what I thought would sell and what wouldn't. So myself and a girlfriend threw a few parties for some friends and family and we were selling more product in one party than the boutiques were doing in a week. Girls like to hang out with each other, shop, sip champagne and gossip. So I know we have the BUYERS.

    "Beware, here, that this approach does not become a curse. People want to buy the things that others have already bought. This might mean needing to carry several lines: the regular favorites, AND the goods that change from month to month."

    This where I have ran it a bit of a problem but doesn't seems to hinder us too much. Where we (my mom) buys the product is consistently changing their line of product with the demand out there. We do have certain items that we will always have since they are such a "hot" style and popular but certain things we can't always get twice so its either "be the first now or nothing at all" I sure with more research I can find other wholesalers with the same product so I can keep an item in stock for a while.

    Thanks & I will keep you posted.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Stars get SWAG @ award shows and festivals.
    Fans want free swag too... so they can also appear exclusive but similar. Is this the concept?

    Photos of similar styles being worn by celebs. from mags will help too.

    The term SWAG may be too unclear to use in a name but that is another idea for like minded marketing research for you....

    'Boutique In A Box' or Bag on Wheels whatever you use.
    Many reasonable wines are now being offered in tetra packs or boxes; another area for tagline research & tips etc.

    'Budget' isn't a word that spells 'exclusive' to me, be wary.

    Good luck LobSTAR!

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks NovaHammer. I didn't consider SWAG but it is a term being used these days. I will check it out.
    Its funny you mention the magazine part. At my last "show"/party I did have pages from several magazines & catalogs framed and put them next to certain pieces of jewelry that looked similar & I made sure to leave the price showing so they could see that they are getting the same look but for a better price.
    I will be cautious how or if I even use the word budget. I do agree.
  • Posted on Accepted


    how about:

    Jinx jewels

    Jammy jewels

    JuJu jewels (juju is a magical charm)

    Aurora jewellery

    A la mode accessories


    Tinks Links

    Tinker & Steph co

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks again everyone for your input. Because of the advise of W.M.M.A I did some research on Sarah Coventry Jewelry and was able to get in touch with the founder of a successful home party/Direct seller and is willing to help me out with any questions. She is a huge advocate of women going into business for themselves and starting up companies.

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