
Topic: Career/Training

Junior Marketing Manager Looking To Move Up

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Hi - 26 years old. University degree in marketing. 4 years experience as National Marketing Manager - heavy machinery industry. More a people / project management role, but no specialized skills e.g. SEO, graphic design etc.

Been traveling for the past 6 months. Want to go back and build my career. What training, short courses, industry trends are paying the best - what skills are hot right now...

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  • Posted on Author
    also - located in Australia if that makes a difference, but also have US citizenship..
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hey Benny,

    All the segments and niches available to a marketing practitioner have room at the top. The question is what do you want to do? What would you be great at?


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Benny,

    The skills that are in demand now are myriad. Here are a few suggestions: SEO; local business advertising through social media; social media; copywriting; strategic vision; online information products in narrow and deep niches.

    The traveling you've been doing for the past 6 months? Might THIS ideally place you to be an advisor to other travelers? Who better to offer advice to other travelers than someone that's been there and done that ... wherever "there" is and whatever "that" might be?

    True, it might only be six months' worth of travel ... but that's six months MORE experience than the average 22 year old back packer has, which puts you in the category of "expert".

    Travel ... recent backpacking travel? There's a keyword rich blog idea RIGHT THERE for you if you can see the potential that I see. A simple Wordpress blog, with pictures, with video, and with testimonials for specific kinds of travel in specific areas? Gold.

    Where to stay; what to see; where to eat; what to avoid; air port ins and outs; what to pack; what to leave behind; what kind of bag to use; best deals on tickets, best Websites for local, in-country information ... and so on.

    The skill that NEVER goes out of fashion is the skill I'm using to help you now: specialized information. You're getting MINE for free ... but not for much longer. Goodness me! Is that a cash register I hear going "ka-ching" in the near future!

    It might well be!

    The other thing to consider is NOT what en employer (or a customer) can do for you, but what you can do for your employer (or for your customer).

    Sadly, that marketing sentiment isn't taught nearly enough in colleges or in MBA classrooms (and I do so wish it was!). But here's the kicker: it's important enough to become a marketing course in its own right. Were I in your boots, I'd read that sentiment again.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Steve Byrne has asked the key question: What do you WANT to do? What skills do you have that could form the basis for your career?
  • Posted on Author
    thank you to all answers, much appreciated.

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