
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For A One Word Name For My Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am creating a website and would like help on a one word domain name that is not taken yet. I want it to be an original word that is not in the dictionary like,,, Again it needs to be a name that is not taken for a domain name yet. Something that is trendy and catchy.


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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are a bunch of available (for sale) domain names:

    Most single-word domain names have been purchased a long time ago.

    Original (nonsensical) words require a strong marketing campaign to explain what the website is about.
  • Posted by yurp_82 on Accepted
    What type of website it it that you're creating? I know you're after a nonsensical word, but if you say what it is for, then that could help with ideas.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Nonsense names are only brilliant when they seem appropriate to the product (after the fact), represent a truly unique/remarkable business concept, and/or have a ton of marketing support to make them meaningful.

    Everybody would love to have a "twitter-like" domain name now that they understand what it is. But trying to figure out what you're going to do with it, how you're going to market it, and who the target audience is going to be will really be the keys.

    And any word that's even close to being memorable that way has long been gobbled up. Check the link recommended by Jay and see if anything there grabs you.

    My suggestion: Start with your core business concept and develop that. Don't worry yet about the company or domain names. Those are important, but not as important as a solid and compelling positioning benefit.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member is available!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You do realize that some of your examples are not nonsensical names. There are definitions in the dictionary for yelp and twitter, and both related to communication (which the sites are involved with as their business).

    Makes a question - do you really want a nonsensical name? As said above, nonsensical names are hard to get people to remember who you are and what you are, as there is no benefit to the name to your business. Where instead if you chose a name that did say something about your business, it helps. is a perfect example -says exactly what you do. Groupon is close enough - nonsensical name but close to coupon, which is part of their business mode, so helps people know what they are doing.

    So why not try to find a name based on deal or coupon? Or maybe translate daily deal into another language and use that? For example:
    torihiki (Japanese for business dealing)
    uridashi (Japanese for sale or bargain)

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    maybe ... is available! is available! 
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I meant to post ... is available!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted is available today.

    Like Peter says - foreign language wording but that is name is also similar to shopping 'cart' word that could work ...history of word; "protection against pirates" etc.

    The cartazesThe "cartazes" licensing system was created in 1502 to control and enforce the Portuguese trade monopoly over a wide area in the Indian Ocean, taking advantage of local commerce: the cartaz was issued by the Portuguese at a low cost, granting merchant ships protection against pirates and rival states, which then abounded in these seas. However its main purpose was to ensure that merchants paid the tax in Portuguese trading posts, directing them to the feitorias in Goa, Malacca and Ormuz, guaranteeing its monopoly on the spice trade and other products.

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