
Topic: Career/Training

Transitioning Out Of Market Research?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm curious how easy it is to move from market research to brand management, business strategy, and startup marketing? Long-term, those are my interests. So, I'm wondering if I can leverage a first career in market research to achieve my long-term career goals?

Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It has more to do with YOU and your approach, attitude, strengths and weaknesses than with anything else. So there really is no answer to your question.

    I've seen a few market research folks transition into brand management or business strategy, but most don't want to because they have a skill set that is most valuable (and comfortable for them) in market research.

    It's also easier to make the transition in smaller companies than in larger ones, I would think. The larger, more sophisticated companies usually want brand managers that have demonstrated interest in brand management from the beginning of their careers, and they'll wonder about someone who started out in market research.

    But none of this should dissuade you if you really want to make the switch. Just do it early before you become "branded" as a market research person.
  • Posted on Author
    Market Research actually sounds interesting. I just hate the thought that I might not like it after 2, 5, or 10 years, and then be stuck. In fact, that's my fear with a lot of jobs. At 25, it's hard to know what I'll want to do at 35, let alone 45 or 55. Ideally, I'd be able to have a random career "path" that allows me to work in a variety of different roles (such as market research to startup marking).
  • Posted on Accepted
    Do what I did. Start in an area but learn other skills along the way. Mentor under someone, go to night school, read books, go to seminars, study branding business case studies, etc. It should be easy to pick up the skills you need and make a transition. Get a business degree if you don’t have one – I got one over course of 10 years at night school, and then an MBA and I transitioned from laboring to a high level Marketing job in 15 year period. Remember Marketing 101…it all starts with market research. So any person I might come across that has some experience in branding and marketing but started in marketing research would be more appealing and well-rounded to me.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I just accepted a position at a startup, instead, so I'm closing this question.

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