
Topic: Student Questions

Windows 95-marketing Campaign

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Do you consider the Windows 95 marketing campaign the greatest marketing campaign EVER?At least for a single product?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Although the WIN 95 release did play a major role in putting MS ahead of the pack, I don't think it was the "greatest campaign of all time".

    The best (or at least one of the best). IMHO, was the Hotmail campaign. Why? Because there wasn't one! The only thing they did was put a little snippet at the bottom of each email that led viewers to thier product. That's it!

    Ebay is another good one ( at leat at the start..they used little to no advertising).

    Napster falls in the top ranks as well.

    Since we are talking about MS, what about WIN 98? Purely viral..not a single ad or promotion. (if my memory serves me...I haven't had my coffeee yet..LOL).

    Notice these are based on the campaign (or lack there of), not the product.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Greatest ever marketing campaign?

    No, and I think the Pope might disagree with you there, too!



    P.S. Why did you ask?

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