
Topic: Student Questions

Asking Instruction For Electric Car Positioning

Posted by pfeng5 on 25 Points
I'm currently doing a marketing assignment in my master degree.

My topic is making a marketing communication strategy to sell Russian electric car to Australia.

So which one single word i need to choose to build the positioning in marketing communication strategy?
I was thinking use enviromental or long-lasting battery, but I think it's not good, cos the positioning should be built on the basis of quality or product physical feature.
Can any one help me come up with an idea about it?

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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    guilt ?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Why one single word? That sounds like an artificial, unnecessary and counterproductive limitation.

    The positioning should express the most important benefit your target audience wants. If that benefit requires 4 words (or 5 or 8), then use as many words as it takes to express the thought. Just be sure it's a single benefit and not a list of benefits.
  • Posted by pfeng5 on Author
    Thanks for quick reply.

    Our textbook in marketing communication course is Eating the big fish by Adam Morgan. It ask people to find one single, central key thought before implementing marketing. It is one single word, not sentence.

    The examples in history like Popeyes using red-hot point of difference. Bose Wave radio using "cool music" with the advertisment " It seems small until you turn it on". These two are also succcessful marketing cases.

    In terms of my Russian electric car in Australia, I was thinking to realate the feature i will focus on with the current Russian country brand image.

    Russian country brand image: Strong, developing economy, with revitalized armed forces, but authoritarian government. It is perceived as an active threats to the world (war with Georgia in 2008, for example), with active and independent foreign policy, etc

    So how about "energetic"? Cos when it comes to Russia, every person will float the image of passion and being revitalized led by Vladimir Putin. Our target market is Australian young people who are between 20 to 35 year age. Those people are energetic and like surfing, hiking and doing some exciting things.

    How''s my idea?
  • Posted on Member
    well, is there anyone can answer my question?
  • Posted by lathans on Accepted
    Ha, ha, Moxie!
    But seriously, if you only have one word:
    "Energetic" isn't bad, but not for the reasons you listed. Maybe Australian youth has a different view of Russia than Americans.

    How about "invincible"?
    Your idea of energetic is more passionate, patirotic, riotous. Theirs is of fun, adventurous, daring...this demographic is known for having an air of invincibility regardless of geography.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about "sensitive" ( the environment, noise, price of petrol, etc.)?

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