
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Online Restaurant Menu Guide

Posted by LsuTigers on 500 Points
We are in need of a tagline for This will be an online restaurant guide providing each restaurant a description page, menu, coupons and map search. While there are many directory platforms providing basic listings we can provide more information from just the name and contact info.

We are in need of a good tagline. We are thinking of utilizing the ability for consumers to use the site for menu searches (replacing the kitchen drawer with menu's stuffed inside) ability to provide reviews, print coupons, join the restaurant database for both email and text. Ideally would like it to be short, maybe 3 words, but very open to the creative knowledge of the experts!

Once site is launched we will also have a print version in magazine format that will be printed 2-3 times per year.

Thanks in advance, I always find the feedback and help provided very supportive!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Crowded space, but some ideas:
    *Thought for Food
    * Stay one step ahead of your stomach
    * Everything but the kitchen drawer
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It seems to me that you might want to use the tagline to call out who the target audience is -- perhaps with some reference to the location. A city name, region, local landmark, or other reference to where your target audience lives could make this much more relevant to them.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The Easiest Way To Eat Out
    The Right Restaurant Finder
    Your Restaurant Concierge
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Lip Service, With Teeth.

    A Rare Medium, Very Well Done!

    Save The Date, Table and Best View!

  • Posted by LsuTigers on Author
    Thank you for some good suggestions. Michael, I agree completely. One of my potential concerns was not utilizing the targeted area to your point. We are in a large metro area covering the suburbs (to start) which will encompass 8-10 local communities. The print edition will feature the community names, for the web version we are limited.

    I have been wanting to incorporate 3 primary areas of focus:
    1. Savings (restaurants can post online coupons)
    2. Online Menus (avoid the kitchen drawer stuffed with menus.
    3. Restaurant Description (types of food, pictures and videos, as well as daily specials or weekly features).

    Thanks again for everyone's responses, if this helps clarifies looking for more ideas. You guys are a tremendous tool to have, I really appreciate it!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Hello Selection, Savings & Satisfaction!

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