
Topic: Career/Training

Website To Promote Myself For New Job

Posted by rum68br on 400 Points
Hey everyone,

I am applying for a role as Marketing Exec at a top law firm. The thing is that I am worried that I will not stand out in the crowd. So I have designed a website to explain why i want the job. I am hoping that they will be impressed enough to give me an interview, but I am not sure what to put on it. Any help or ideas?

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You need to make sure that everything in your presentation speaks to a specific need of your target company. Do better research than anyone else, and make sure the content reflects your superior understanding of their business environment, needs, etc.

    The presentation should be more about them than about you. Your objective should be to show them how thorough and analytical you are, and how well you'll fit in their company, how successful you've been solving problems like theirs in the past.

    Finally, I'm not so sure I'd do this on a website. Websites are very public, and they might not appreciate having information about them available to "the public" (including competitors, clients, etc.). You might stand out the wrong way.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Everyone gets caught up in second-guessing when marketing themselves.

    So, just relax and take yourself back to the basics. Who is their target market? What strategy or tactics might you employ to attract business from that market? What problems or pain points do they have? What is the competitive landscape? How can your marketing solutions address/solve their needs and problems? Gear your website around those topics -- about them, not about how much you want the job.

    You'll have only a moment to capture their interest, so if you can, by all means use some video on the home page, above the fold. They're likely to click on it and you'll have a few seconds or so to engage them, which is more time than they will otherwise spend on your site.

    You can't solve all their marketing problems in a few seconds, so use that time solely to get the interview:

    "Hi there. I'm going to a lot of trouble to get an interview with you, but it's nothing compared to the effort I'll make to create successful marketing for Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. Let's talk. I'm Sam Smith at 555-555-5555."

  • Posted by peg on Member
    P.S. mgoodman has a good point about the website being public. So, give it password protection and put the password on your letter to them.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    In keeping with the above advice, I would definitely not do a website. If you do anything for your "web presence" you should do a blog.

    Here's an example of a very successful former law firm marketer's blog:

    Blog about what this prospective firm would be interested in. Is it B2B or B2C legal targets, insurance defense or plaintiff, corporate or litigation etc.

    Check out the Legal Marketing Association for more content ideas, and good luck, you will need it :)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I think that creating a website might make you stand out for the wrong reasons. If you're a website designer, then perhaps consider showcasing your website design skills. But as a marketing exec, craft a research report full of data for the law firm. Show them that not only do you understand their business, but also can present the information and some vision for the future.

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