
Topic: E-Marketing

Dynamic Email Optimization

Posted by gps37lists on 125 Points
Are there companies that provide dynamic email optimization, e.g. send 3 versions of the same email to the first 10% of the list and based on click-thru results, suggest to which people which version should be sent to improve click-thru?

Are there companies that can do this dynamically?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Yes, there are. I use Dotmailer, who offer dynamic split tests on subject lines, content and friendly "from name". You can pick what percentage of the list receives the tests (e.g. 10%) and if the winning version is selected by the number of opens or the number of click-throughs.

    I am sure there are other providers who do the same - take a look at MailChimp or ConstantContact if you want a US-based provider.

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