
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Strategy For A New Line Of Toothbrushes

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am working on a marketing plan for my MARK 301 course at the University of Alberta. My portion of the project involves coming up with a solid marketing strategy. Let me stress that this is a school project and everything done here is hypothetical. The details are as follows:

(1) Product is a new line of toothbrush that dispenses tooth paste.
(2) We are a small company trying to team up with a large company (ie:, Colgate) to sell this product in the market. Therefore our major competitors will be Oral-B (Gillette) and Procter & Gamble.

We have a Market Analysis completed and I'm looking for any procedure that could assist me in coming up with a solid marketing strategy. Thank you for your time.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If this were the "real world," you'd have some solid research among consumers. You'd know their habits and practices, attitudes and awareness of the leading brands (and their positionings), their likes/dislikes, brand loyalty (or lack thereof), and some hint as to what their dream product would be.

    If the toothpaste-dispensing brush isn't something they really want/need, then your best marketing plan would be to fold up your tent and go home. No sense spending a lot of money to try to convince someone you have the perfect solution to a problem they don't have.

    Now, I understand this isn't the "real world," so perhaps you can make up some research -- perhaps a few focus groups and a quantitative study in which you showed people a mock-up ad for your product. The results should be very positive and encouraging (in your un-real world).

    Those results will provide the basis for your marketing strategy, positioning, and all the detailed plans in your marketing mix.

    It's actually kind of fun to make up the results you'd need to see in order to get really excited about a product concept.

    Have fun.

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