
Topic: Advertising/PR

Do You Still Use Press Releases?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Are press releases still an important tool in your Marketing tool kit? When and why would you send a press release?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I use them primarily for SEO purposes. Some media, upon initially being pitched by email, ask for them as well.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I know companies who rely on press releases and do zero otherwise in paid advertising. They promote new product or take a product and slant it to the reader. They do this by having a wonderful and established rapport with the right person and only bring them info interesting to their readers. They get placement of product and pictures. It to the reader is very credible, after all, its news.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Yes, they are important.

    I started a small, regional sports magazine, and I value getting targeted press releases that are relevant to my readers. The problem with press releases is that many are not at all targeted, so are thrown out right away. It as gotten too easy to just blast out press releases to everyone and anyone.

    I do not get press releases from any submission site, only directly from people. Best advice I could give is to figure out the handful of media that are relevant to your product and start a relationship with the key people at those media. be available for them to call you and ask questions, send them relevant press releases, offer opportunity to try product, etc. Be a face and name to them, not some anonymous random email.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Peter hit the nail on the head. Know them, know what is relevant to them and don't mail them junk. By junk I mean those bland "we are pleased to announce" generic releases.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi! Thank you all for answering my question! I agree, press releases need to be targeted to the right audience and their subject have to be relevant.

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