
Topic: Strategy

Business-to-business Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work in the communications industry for a company that has never truly focused on its business-to-business markets. Recently, I have been brought into the company to lead these efforts.

Much to my surprise, I found we have an extremely limited b2b budget, as well as research dollars. In addition, the tracking/reporting available is poor and often inaccurate.

Since I have always had the above, I feel like I am constantly running into a brick wall to develop a marketing strategy supported by facts or numbers. Any suggestions how to address this problem?

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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Good advice above, here are a few more ideas...

    ... I would personally be interested in looking at the demographics of your current b2c customers, but I'd be careful in the way I surveyed them (asking, "why did you buy from of" might raise red flags)

    ... I'd want to interview some lost sales (why didn't they select us?) and some previous customers (why did you select someone else?)

    ... I'd want to interview curent b2c sales team to ask them what works, what doesn't, who do they target and why, what tools do they need

    ... I'd make follow-up calls to folks who called in for tech support, to be sure they are happy with your service, to be sure their problem is resolved, and maybe ask a question or two

    ... I'd review the web sites of competing companies, to see where and how they have positioned their firm.

    ... I'd ask for the opportunity to be on the team which interviews potential new sales hires, and ask them questions like, "How do you generate sales leads in your current job" and "Which markets do you focus on...", etc.

    ... and I'd try to focus on one area of reseach where you could get a big "win" for the company, so that you can demonstrate the bottom line benefits of research, so that you can have a larger budget next year.

    Until you have that budget, sounds to me like you need to start by doing the work yourself. Good luck.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    One thing you have to remember about B2B marketing, and a golden rule ... You must learn to do MORE with LESS.

    You will never have a much marketing money as your B2C colleages, nor will you have such a rich set of business/marketing models.

    I know, I have been in B2B for 20 years!

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