
Topic: E-Marketing

Need E-marketing Stories For Book By Bestseller!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Are you a trendsetter or trendspotter in the exciting field of "word of mouse" marketing? If so, we want you to be in this book! Marc Ostrofsky's first book, "Get Rich Click," was a New York Times No 1 bestseller. His follow-up book,"Word of Mouse," is destined to meet with the same success.

As leading experts in the field of digital marketing, we are seeking your input on cutting-edge trends that are changing the shape of sales, marketing, public relations, and, in fact, our day-to-day, personal lives.

A section of Ostrofsky's book will be devoted to identifying key disruptive trends within sales and marketing.

*data analytics

*database marketing


*social media

*augmented reality

*mobile APPs

*interactive television

We are asking that you submit your thoughts, explanations, observations, predictions, anecdotes, case studies, etc., on any or all of these topics. You are welcome to email your contributions to [Email address deleted by staff. This should be in Member Profile, not the post].

Length of the submitted content does not matter--it could be a single paragraph or several pages. What we're looking for is innovative thought. Experts/authors will be fully sourced and credited for all contributions. (We would need to receive all contributions by Monday, January 23, 2012).
To continue reading this question and the solution, sign up ... it's free!


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Social media, hmm? Crowd sourcing, eh? Hmmmm?

    I'll be in touch via e-mail.
  • Posted by admin on Accepted
    I worked as a marketing manager on what of the largest toy brands. In our marketing plans, we wanted to leverage augmented reality on pack to keep kids in our retail aisle by wanting to interact with the fun cool app that we were planning (scan a bar code image on pack after downloading the app and then the toy becomes alive on the cell phone.

    One problem with Augmented Reality that we faced was app updates. Since my toy line released toys in waves to promote collection, there would be frequent and heavy updates which was not good for us.

    The other problem we faced was cost. Since we wanted to continue to promote collection of the toy across toy years, we would need to have a large server to store all of the custom videos for each car throughout each year.

    Finally, the last problem that we faced was shelf height. Since our target market was young boys from 4-12, most of these kids would not be able to reach and take a good photo of the bar code to access the augmented reality app if it was 5 feet high.

    I don't work on this brand anymore, but I now run my own marketing consulting service at You can contact me via the contact form on the site.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What's in it for us to submit material for the book? What is the purpose of the book? Who is the publisher? In short, why?
  • Posted on Author
    The book is being written by Marc Ostrosky, a New York Times bestselling author. It is being published by Simon & Schuster.

    In this book, Ostrofsky explains to the reader how technology is dramatically changing our world. A wide and ever broadening range of disruptive trends, media, and devices, including smart phones, Apps, crowdsourcing, interactive television, social media, database marketing, and data analytics are changing almost everything we do, how we do it, and why we do it.

    The book is heavy with real-life examples of how individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and large corporations are changing the way business is done and money is made.

    Contributors to the book benefit from the prestige that comes from being a player in and an expert on some of these cutting-edge trends. Contributors' contributions will be fully sourced and credited.

    I hope this answers your questions and opens the lines up for more responses.

    Many, many thanks to those who have already responded.
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Member
    Sounds interesting. Will email you.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to the respondents. I hoped to receive more, as this is a great opportunity for exposure as a marketing professional who's really on top of today's cutting-edge trends. I do appreciate "admin's" sharing his/her experience regarding augmented reality--good stuff, from a practical standpoint, that I would not have considered. Many thanks! And to the two respondents who have offered to contact me via email, I look forward to hearing from you.

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