
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Name And Tagline For Recruitment Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi there,
I need some advice/ ideas on a name for my new recruitment agency. Im using different colours of purple, voilet, gold, sand for my colour theme for my website. I would like the name to be professional, cathing, something that sounds good. Was thinking about 'The Sourcing Experts'? Taglne 'Precision in sourching talent'? Or something that sounds good with the word 'placements', 'recruitment' or solutions....any ideas? Will greatly appreciate any suggestions..
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  • Posted on Accepted
    There are a ton of staffing firms and recruitment agencies out there. With all the competition you need to differentiate yourself. Some questions to answer prior to picking name:
    What sets you apart from your competition?
    What type of jobs are you recruiting for? Do you specialize like IT, HR, Marketing, etc?

    Once you have this info you can get a better sense of what your Name and Tagline should be.
    -Incorporate your name or a combo of names
    -Grab a thesaurus and research synonyms for sourcing and staffing
    -Combine words to create a new word
    -Check out the urban dictionary
    -Go to and type in sourcing, placement, recruiting. There might be a cool word in another language.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Dream job line

    Career search advice

    Better job agency
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    Sensible Hire
    (your specialty - IT, Sales, Marketing, ???) recruitment specialists

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