
Topic: Taglines/Names

Auto Gym

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have a small auto repair shop in colerain oh.. we have a couple slogans we have been using like(we keep you car in shape) or( get you car back into shape) but, we have not really found a good slogan to really hit it off. I was just wanting some help with that..!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What about those slogans doesn't "really hit it off?" What are you trying to communicate with the tagline? How will you know when the right one shows up? What criteria will you use to measure, or determine, "hit it off?"

    We also need to know the name of the auto repair shop and why you feel you need a tagline? What will be different when you have a different ("hit it off") tagline?
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    The name of the auto repair shop would be most helpful. Also, are you determined to use the auto repair-gym correlation? Unless you service members and employees of gyms only, I don't really see how it fits and communicates the best message to potential customers. The relationship works for an individual promotion, but I'm scratching my head as a permanent analogy.

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