
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A New Adult Education College Program

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
continuing education is a gray concept and title. I need to name a new program at a small liberal arts college on the Thames River in CT. Audience is the adult degree completion student over 25, veterans, and small business people or workplace reentry folks needing certificates to advance their place in the world of work.
I need a catchy title to draw attention to our little nestled-in- a- neighborhood school. Mascot: mariners; launching your future is a tagline. Would love a great name for this program. help!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Beyond College Success (Program)
    Beyond The Thames
    Workplace Advantage (Program)
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Near Horizon
    HomeGrown Advantage
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Work World Advancement Program

    Educational Advancement Program

    Career Achievement Certification Program

    The name does not need to be catchy, it simply needs to be relevant to the desired outcome of the target audience.
  • Posted on Author
    You have offered some thoughtful responses; thank you! The College does have to consider its rather conservative New England roots, but at the same time, attract the shy adult who has not yet earned a degree, 'sell' the naturally picky consumer with so many 'college' choices out there, online, and at the STATE schools cheap...and, package certificates and degrees that have great potential on the market, with the adult student who does not want to face that challenge without guarantees of a job at the end (how can we?).
    Hence, we've designed what I think is a special program with personalized technology training to get the learners up to speed, and individual career preparation, search, and communication skills-building at no extra fee. We can also offer free private beach rites for summer students...maybe the whole family. Does that broaden the sales points? (but we are not inexpensive)
  • Posted on Author
    For the adult student, I think these titles are brief and open-ended in concept, that also paint a positive picture of the future. They are less a call to training than to the mission and vision of higher learning that leads to a brighter future. 'NEAR HORIZON' relates nicely to our nautical theme and tagline:' launching your future'. Adults are already on the boat with a lifetime of experience and some college coursework on board, so this title nicely represents a next step in their future.
    Many thanks for your thoughtful responses.

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