
Topic: Taglines/Names

Australia Based Dog Wear Business Name And Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, I am after ideas for a name and tagline for a home-based business I am starting. It will evolve around three items for dogs to wear. Initially I will be making over-the-collar bandanas, then coats, then harnesses.
I live in Australia. We have a type of football played here called Australian Rules, but it is often referred to as just Aussie Rules. I will make the bandanas et al. in team colours. So for example, if this business was US Based, and I was making a San Francisco 49ers bandana, it would be scarlet and gold. I will also make the bandanas in other ‘doggy’ fabrics of course, but that won’t be my niche. I thought of using AussieOi Precious Puppies, but there is already a business here named AussieOi that is trademarked. Same applies to Precious Puppies. I also thought of AussieRules (word) word). Can anyone help?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    PuppyRules (or PuppieRules)
  • Posted on Author
    Many thanks for suggestions everyone!!!!
    Ok - I have come up with 'AussieRules Designed Dogwear' or 'Aussie Rules 'Designed Dogwear. I didn't want to use the word 'designer' as I am making items for dogs of football followers to wear. Designer makes me think of Dior, Versace etc.
    I understand about the 'world' market, I was thinking about hits that i might get with googling? Am I on the right track here?
    There is only one of me at the moment so my initial focus is capturing the Australian market. There are eighteen teams in the elite competition, so that is more than enough colour combinations and design for me to start with.
    For info, Aussie Rules football is also known as 'footy', so I thought I might incorporate that into a tagline. Any ideas on a tagline would be fantastic. Cheers..
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You'll want to check in with a lawyer to ensure you can use "Aussie Rules" in your name. It's likely that the name is trademarked and that using that in your business name may be an infringement.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Footy is also used for football or soccer but that could catch everyone....SEO is another area to explore if www is a goal.

    Title for yourself somewhere down the line if you are happy with company name could be .....

    Wizard of Pauz.....

    My cattle dog mix wishes you success too!
  • Posted on Author
    hi again and thanks for all replies. I have changed tack again, thanks to all.
    Current name is 'Footywear for Dogs'. This will work for all codes of football played here in Australia, including Australian Rules, Soccer etc.
    As for a tagline, would Wizard of Pauz work? I like it....
    Thank you again everyone, I hope to close this in a few days. Am very grateful.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Phonetically Wizards of P-Oz is the same moniker for you however a tagline that entices and fixes a customers need is strongest.

    Perhaps your title instead of owner or boss could be Wizard of P....

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