
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Small Upcycled Home Decor Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a small business, selling hand crafted home decor, made from recycled, re-purposed, and restored items. Most of the items will reflect an industrial or rustic feel. Some of my work is inspired by products being sold by the expensive box stores, some are original concepts. I am trying to reuse/recycle/re-purpose/restore in order to make cool and unique products for the home, with a dual focus; rethinking what we throw away and consumer affordability.

I am having trouble coming up with a name that isn't incredibly cliche or, worse yet, forgettable. Any ideas for a clever name that illustrates the " 'cycled" theme?
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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Not knowing your region or product line and motivation for your shoppers makes it difficult to hit your Unique Selling Points. (USP)...but I Will start and give you something to consider.

    'Cycled' theme with an industrial feel of all goods/ products for our planet....

    Planetary Gear
    Technically - an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train (like our earth and moon I think)...toothed gears within a toothed gear. Contributes to an advantage..with less effort. Seen on some Bike Chain Wheels too.

    The Planet part is doubled edged wording for the earth and and mechanical advantage achieved .... Gear is (industrial?)stuff or Ratio for amount of extra life achieved by using your products..more than once.

    Tag lines will help explain your USP but great Logo Potential with this name too.

    We already have a chain of stores in our area called P'lovers .... contraction of Planet Lovers.

    Similar idea?

    Perhaps franchising might work if your idea and timeline is too daunting.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, NovaHammer. Great concept. It may be a little too industrial for what I will be offering, but it's giving me some good direction.

    I am in the central Virginia area, a far suburb of Washington, DC, considered a bit rural. This is strictly a side-business until I get feedback, so I plan on starting off small with a rented booth at a local antique mall. There are several "Green" retail boutiques in my town, and in nearby Charlottesville, but their prices are astronomical for the average resident in this area. That is where I hope to fill a niche.

    This will be a very eclectic inventory; Rustic benches and small tables (reclaimed wood), original contemporary art on plywood scraps and rustic reclaimed wood, used terra cotta pots refurbished with custom-hand painted designs, mirrors framed with industrial gears and machinery, etc. I'll spare you the whole list, but it gives you the general concept.

    My product lines may lean a little more toward "urban rustic" than industrial, so I'm going to take your suggestions and see what I can do to give it a little more artistic edge, rather than technical.

    I would love to work the gears in, however, because I am an avid mountain biker and plan on offering some bicycle part art.

    Thanks so much for your suggestions!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Second Time Around
    Re (as in recycled/reused/repurposed)
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, Jay.

    Second Time Around is already in use by a couple of Thrift/junktique stores in the vicinity, but I really like the idea of Re.

    What does everyone think about Reimagined?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member

  • Posted on Author
    Funny, I had a list of possiblities that I nixed because of the possible negative undertones, so it's interesting you suggested one of them. My list included ReHash, Do-Over, REHABitat, 2nd Thoughts, and a few others.

    ReHash - Creative goods reinvented for your unique home.

    I'll mull this one over for a bit.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    More upscale you say ....... more... how do they say it; ..

    more..... "ReFind" less negative.
  • Posted on Author
    I love Refind, I think we have a winner!

    Thanks NovaHammer. When I make it big, come by my shop and pick out somethig cool for your house! :)

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