
Topic: Strategy

Call Out The Competition?

Posted by wendys on 25 Points
Is it ok to do a direct comparison document between our company's product and the competitor's?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What do you mean by "ok?" Are you asking (a) for permission, (b) if it's legal, or (c) if it's smart marketing?

    (FWIW, we are not lawyers.)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The "smartest" way would be to have an independent 3rd party certify the differences (if they are indeed measurable). But be careful that your comparison doesn't inadvertently produce additional sales for your competitor as a result.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Comparisons are done. But carefully.

    Mgoodman's question is valid, and worth answering. All 3 categories need to be considered.

    Also, it does matter where you are at (especially what country), as the laws covering libel and such vary from place to place.

    Also matters as to the size of your company and of the competitor. if you are the market leader, you generally never mention anyone else, as that is in effect saying they are worthy of being a competitor to you. But if you are the small fry taking on a market leader, it is often good marketing to compare yourself to the leader.

    Please respond with some more details, which would help us give a better response to you.

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