
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Service For Video-embedded Pdf?

Posted by irchung on 500 Points
I am looking for an email marketing service that would be able to support a PDF file that has a video embedded in it. The video would not be directly embedded in the email; it would only be embedded in the PDF, which would be an attachment. The total size of the PDF is 3 MB.

The standard email marketing services (ie, interspire, iContact, AWeber, MailChimp, Vertical Response, Benchmark, Pinpointe) do not have this capability - either the PDF is too big, or when the PDF is uploaded to their library, the video is automatically converted into a static image. They also recommend workarounds such as hosting the PDF on an external site and linking to it (the issue with this is that the PDF contains client-sensitive information, so we cannot simply put the PDF on a regular file-sharing site), or including a static image of the video and then linking to youtube (the same issue arises here: the video is private, and needs to be remain embedded in the PDF).

Has anyone else encountered this challenge? Many thanks in advance for your help!
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Or, link to the file from the e-mail and place the file on a no-follow or password protected page of a site that you control.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Is there any problem with linking to your video that is on the root of your own domain, in a folder that is marked no-index?

    I can understand companies being wary of sending out 3Mbs in an email blast, it wouldn't do their image much good, or their servers.

    Another question - is this a one-off newsletter? There are systems that you can host on your own servers that might allow you to tweak things. The point is that your own servers would then take the strain. The sign-up procedures would be the same, you may have a little more problem with the spam filters, you'll need to doubly check that your subscribers have you in their address book (= whitelisted).

    Does this help any?
  • Posted by irchung on Author
    Thanks for your responses! We cannot link to the video/PDF because it contains private content for client viewing only (the issue with making it password protected is that many of the recipients will most likely not remember their website passwords for log-in).

    Moriarty - can you recommend systems to host on our own servers? We plan on distributing this newsletter about three or four times per year.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    If you have a server, just save it as a file with - a numeric code. A search engine can't tell from the 0s and 1s what it is, so a file with a numeric code is pretty anonymous - and you can call on it from the email to the viewer of your choice.

    I'm no software specialist - only that's how pictures are treated after all. The email is loaded and it's called on at the server - hence all the fuss about not loading images from emails as they can trigger virusses. The image having been called on is then an event at the server - and you can tell if the email has been opened and viewed (NB only if the images are loaded - otherwise you won't know).

    This is getting a little distant from marketing and more into analytics ;-)
  • Posted by irchung on Author
    Thanks for the responses - unfortunately didn't find a solution that met what I was looking for. Appreciate the thought anyway!

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