
Topic: Taglines/Names

Slogan To Fundraise For A Pediatric Cardiology

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
need a catch phrase or solgan to get community to donate together with our company to help pay for cardiology group of volunteer docs and specialists. we have a small hospital annualy if were lucky volunteers donate their time to travel to our island to help care for kids we fundraise to help pay for airfares, lodging, etc.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Where's the community? What's the name of the hospital & island?
    Why should the community care about the medical personnel? How much money are you trying to raise? In the past, what difference has these personnel made to the children & families?
  • Posted by yvonnescott-younis on Accepted
    H3 (or H-cubed): Help Heal Hearts!

    Help Docs Heal Hearts! Your donations helping to get doctors to "name of place" so they can heal hearts!

    Healthy Hearts Helping to Heal Hearts
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    You are focussing on children? Or is it any age-group?

    Who are you targeting by way of donateurs? Is there any special motive you know of that leads them to help you guys?

    Give with a free heart to those whose hearts are less healthy. (A bit wordy!)
    Give from your heart to help theirs
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Heart-to-Heart for the Kids (... or Heart2Heart)
  • Posted on Author
    Focus on children. I work for a company 2,000+ employees. Visiting Dr's are from different states they belong to organization (Cardio Group). Our island is in south pacific 80K+ our hospital is small with no skilled/certified dr's in the cardio field most urgent cases are referred off-island and still require funding to help the families get their kids off-island. Medical Referalls are out of pocket. The volunteer groups are a big help as they can assess, treat our kids, and now they require follow-up visits. Group has visited twice each time they've seen about 300+ kids for free and then we try and get local businesses/community in general to donate to help with expenses. This time our company would like to start the drive but need to get community awareness out if we have about $80K population $1 drive is our hope to get a $1 our per person. Thank you all for your help thus far...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A Dollar A Day Keeps Our Children At Play
    A Big Heart For Our Kids
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Flying Hearts: visiting surgeons to our small island.
    Airborne surgeons: flying in the expertise our island doesn't have.
    Heartcare augmentation: fly in the surgeons from the big cities for a week.

    Help our surgeon give up their holiday to help kids. One dollar goes a long way to help.
  • Posted on Author
    Before I close I wanted to thank you all. This site is a lot of help. Thank you!!!!!!

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