
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name And Tagline For Holistic/organic Salon

Posted by akingsbury88 on 250 Points
I had my own salon business (sole proprietor)in Wisconsin-named Amy's Total Look. I closed that business and moved to the Dallas, TX area. I am starting business up again. I do my services in an organic way, as in using natural/ products and therapeutic grade essential oils. I also do micro current facials (facial rejuvenation/natural face lifts).
At the moment (and my business isn't active-yet) I am using Amy's Holistic Hair and Care. I'm not a 100% sure on this name. I'm looking for something that says I do salon work organically.
My target clientele is women is their 30s thru 60s...but of course all gender and ages are welcome.
Tag Line suggestions are welcome too!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'd try to communicate the ultimate benefit -- the great feeling women have about themselves when they've received your services. "Total Look" is a good start, except "total" doesn't say "great" or "fabulous."

    I would focus the name on that fabulous feeling a customer will have when you've worked your magic. That's why people come to salons, right? Organic/natural is a nice plus, but not a replacement for the ultimate benefit. Maybe a simple reference to "natural" in the tagline.

    My opinion: "Amy's Holistic Hair and Care" doesn't cut it. Nobody there cares what your name is. And it's not clear what "holistic hair" is or means.

    How about something like this:

    Look and Feel Your Best ... Naturally
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What does "organically" specifically mean to you and your clients? In Texas, are there any specific regulations with using the word "organic" as applied to hair care? Is "organic" the #1 reason people would choose to visit you, or is it "a nice bonus"? If it's the latter, then I'm with Michael Goodman - you need a way to convey the #1 reason people choose you (instead of any of your competitors).
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Amy's Natural Beauty Care

    Amy's Natural Style

    Amy's Amicable Hair and Care - great style with natural oils
  • Posted by durablefaith1 on Member
    Thank you to all three of you who responded. You are giving me good food for thought and get the "brain storming" juices flowing...This website has multitude of ideas-happy I found you.

    I'm not sure I am going to use my name this time around-it was useful 10 years ago when not everybody had a cell phone and my name starting with an "A" was listed in the beginning. Although, being a sole proprietor, it does give it that personalize feeling. Clients would be taken care of by ME and not tossed over to a lesser experienced stylist.

    @Jay- It is important to me to convey the message that I do my services in a natural/non toxic way. I've learned and studied much on the nasty toxic chemicals that go on in the salon arena and feel it's my "niche". You have a good point about using the word "organic" I'm not sure if there is any regulations on using that word-quite possibly-and that could open a "can of worms".
    It is also important to me to convey the message of my expertise in 17 years of service on the technical performance side.

    My sister and I came up with the name "Pure Radiance"

    I'm still hung up on the tag line....
    "Where beauty and natural science come together"
    or ???

    Any suggestions on the name and tag line is welcome.

    In gratitude:)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about "Wholesome Beauty (Salon)" or "Naturally Beautiful (Salon)"? Wholesome connotes non-toxic, but in a positive way. And you don't want to directly mention "science" in your name/tagline - since that's not a primary benefit to your customers.
  • Posted by corinne.aycock on Accepted
    You should not have your 'Amy' in the business name. It is better to express the type of look and feel you are going for versus who owns the business. I suggest that you focus on a great salon name and have the natural / holistic message in the tag line. How about....

    Salon Chic
    Modern & Holistic Beauty

    Please note that it is Chic (sheek) not the cute little chick
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Bio Style


    Purity Hair Care
  • Posted by durablefaith1 on Member
    @Jay, Corinne and Saul:
    Thank you again for your replies, this actually becoming fun!
    Corinne I like that tag line of Modern and Holistic. I looked in the thesaurus for the word holistic and found the word salubrious. It a word I haven't heard very often but found it interesting. Not sure how easy or catchy...."Salon Salubrious" (I suddenly feel like raising a glass and making a toast)
    Still leaning on "Pure Radiance" Modern and Holistic Beauty
    I like modern because that will tell clients that I am up to date on styles-not JUST about holistic...I want to combine the two.
    Let me think on it for a bit:)
  • Posted by tcgren on Member
    Nature's Best
    Perfect Nature
    Back to Nature

    Wholegrain Head popped into my head but it's not elegant enough for your concept

    Enchanted Elegance is a bit contrived but upscale

    fyi - Pure Radiance is used by a place in Fresno, CA so you'll just have to make sure you can use it in TX
  • Posted by akingsbury88 on Author
    tcgren- yes, thank you. I also found the name in AZ. I'll check it out. Thank you

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