
Topic: Career/Training

Cv Word For "cold Calling" As A Skill?/cv Help

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hey Sales and Marketing Professionals,

What is telephone solicitation called when listed as a skill on a resume?

Would it be "telephone sales"?

For a bit of background, I previously worked at a nonprofit organization where my duties included soliciting donations by phone. I now want to transition to doing marketing for small businesses, and would like to dress my skills on my resume in for-profit sales language.

Also, if anyone would be willing to review my resume for me and provide feedback, I would be incredibly grateful. I can repost this portion of the question for more points.

Thank you so much,

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    telesales, telephone sales, phone sales all could work

    cold calling is a skill and one that I would list separately from phone sales.

    Sometimes you hear these called inside sales.

    If you are moving into marketing and away from sales, you might want to call it something like direct marketing.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Cold calling proper (in my book at least) is calling people with whom you have no previous connection or affiliation. This is what pisses so many people off about telemarketers. I'd say that what you were doing in your non-profit role was more likely to be solicitation from donors with whom the organization had some kind of existing relationship.

    Perhaps "Donor relationship management" is a better description?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Inside sales?
    Donor solicitation?
    Sales prospecting?
    Business development?

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Cold calling is a very good skill to have as many people find it difficult and it requires a certain tenacity. The important part is that you're making the call, not just dealing with incoming queries - so the key word is outbound.

    Outbound telemarketing
    Outbound telesales
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You might want to modify the terminology for each prospective employer. The one-size-fits-all resume (or CV) is pretty much a thing of the past. Give them the term that's most relevant for them.

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