
Topic: Student Questions

Is It Best To Set Your Dissertatio On A Case Study

Posted by tickyrea94 on 250 Points

I have chosen my dissertation title: "An Investigation into the Negative Impact of Social Media on Brand Perceptions". However, I am just wondering if it is better to set it on a case study to make it more focused?



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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Why focus on negativity? In a world that's chock full of possibilities, why not focus on the positive uses social media affords any brand that's willing to connect with and to listen to its users and fans?

    By all means refer to a case study (or to a series of case studies to give you a wider perspective), but don't be afraid to state your own opinions and share your own thoughts and experiences. after all, that's what social media is about: social validation.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You can keep the title, but I'd definitely focus on a case study. And be careful not to generalize from that case study.

    FWIW, I would follow Gary's advice about not focusing solely on the negative aspects. It sounds like you are denying any possible positive aspects. Why not re-title it: "An Investigation into the Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media as They Affect Brand Perceptions [of XYZ Product]" (or "... [in the ABC Marketplace]")

    And give fair treatment to the positive aspects as well.

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