
Topic: Career/Training

I Am A New Professor In Marketing...

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have recently accepted an opportunity to teach Marketing. With over 20 years Sales, Sales Mgt, Retailing, and over 5 years training, what I am looking for are good references for my college (entry level) classes.

What are the best sites/resources for cases and projects?

How about other sources for white papers, videos, images, etc.?

I will continue to search, but thought I might be able to search and reapply work that others have already done, versus starting from scratch.

Finally, is there a site that is focused on/for Marketing Educators?

Thanks in advance for ideas and suggestions.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    A good place to start: Click the Search Resources link on the right side of this page. Leave the criteria blank, and you can browse through the entries.

    MarketingProfs just launched this Resource Library here on the Know-How Exchange so that we have a place to park all of the frequently recommended websites, books, etc. that appear here.

    Welcome to the forum, and congrats on your teaching job! Where are you going to be?

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I teach also. I teach global management classes for University of Phoenix.

    For cases - Harvard Business Review has a lot. They are very detailed, so would work for homework, but not as in class work.

    I have also used a question or two from KHE as cases (stripping out any details that would be private).
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member

    The American Marketing Association at has tons of info that is applicable for your teaching.

    In addition, an affiliation with the AMA is a great way to get local marketing executives or entrepreneurs to speak for your classes. Students love having a outside expert come into the classroom and present real-life stories and answer questions, and they will love you for doing it.

    Lastly, check out their Academic Resource Center at - tons of info.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted on Accepted

    For advertising case studies and videos, check and .

    This website will give you loads of ideas and information for a truly original teaching format. I'd like to direct you to my all-time favorite question in the KHE, hoping it will give you some ideas of how to break the ice with your students and get them thinking about marketing:

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