
Topic: Student Questions

How Do I Start My Own Make Up Line?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have a project for my marketing class and its due in a month...but i need to start it now and i have no idea how to.I want it to be quick and easy but i want it to also be a good "A" project. HELP!!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    So you want to do as little work as possible but still want a good mark, is this correct?

    We all want that, but the A grade is for people who DO WORK.

    We are NOT going to do your home work for you!!!!!!

    Read the important guide lines #5 then come back with a more appropriate question!!!!!!

    Also have look at this site to learn how to use a search engine, there is plent of info on the net.

    If you really need some help to ask a better question then you can contact me by email. Just click on my name.

    This thread is LOCKED, No one will answer untill you posts back when you have done some work.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Have I accidentally landed at the bulletin board? I think a user name other than "Latina Gangsta Girl" might have been a better choice when asking for help from professionals.

    Moreover, your question is about how one starts a business, not how one markets it. These are two different things.

    I'll give you credit for this, though. At least you're honest about wanting the assignment to be "quick and easy," while still earning a good grade for yourself.

    Not the world's greatest work ethic, but at least you were candid about it.

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