
Topic: Student Questions

Strategic Process Of Citibank?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Am I the only who gets the impression that this is a homework assignment?

    Call me old-fashioned, but I think questions should have crazy elements to them. You know, like verbs, periods, questions marks, etc.

    Ah, the good ol' days...
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member

    WE DONT NOT DO HOME WORK HERE . Please read the important guide lines #5 . Why dont you do a google search? if you cant find what you are looking for then go to this site to learn how to use google.

    Also please visit thios question
    and post an answer, if you do i will send you some infomation that you need!!!!!!!! i have a 1 mb pdf that you can use!!!!!! (yes it is a bribe)

    also if you have no idea how to start send me an email, just click on my name.

    This question is locked untill you do some work.

    Carl Crawford

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