
Topic: Student Questions

Contempry Services Marketing For Tesco Plc Uk

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Understand and examine the provision of services and marketing activites in Tesco.
Discuss the principles of innovativness in the marketing of services.
Apply strategies in respect of segmenataion, targeting and positioning and understand Tesco's underlying rationale in service industries.
Understand and explore the key characteristics of communication strategies in Tesco.

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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi eddieg1,

    i am also a (1 st year) student and i am in the top 25, if you would like some help on how to start your project and/or how to ask am appropriate question then feel free to email me, my email is in my profile, just click on my name.

    Also if you are having trouble using Google then visit this site on how to use Google ( it is very good it will help you in LIFE and your studies)

    Also Please visit this question:

    Carl Crawford

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