
Topic: E-Marketing

E-commerce Shopping Cart Recommendation

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 500 Points
I am looking for a simple add-on shopping cart service for a client's WordPress site. Anyone have recommendations?

Some requirements:
- Purchase is for an annual subscription (could be paid monthly or annually, auto renewing).
- Pay by credit card (maybe also PayPal, but can't be PayPal for credit card processing - that is not professional-looking enough for this need).
- Assumption is that the shopping cart would hosted by a shopping cart company, so a separate page from my client's. But the page should be able to look similar to my client's site (same fonts and colors, having our top navigation menus would be nice but not required).
- purchase triggers an email to key staff at my client, who handle the actual implementing of the product bought.

This is meant as a test for this client on whether part of their offering cold be sold direct, online. As a test, they don't want to put a lot of resources into it (hence an add-on shopping cart service instead of building a cart on their WP page around a plug-in like Woo Commerce).

Thanks for any suggestions.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Big Commerce
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    Gary - have you used any of these?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    Some clarifying as I have put some more thought into this:

    The fact they use a WordPress site really doesn't matter. They want an external site that does the order processing and credit card processing. Customer would click a link on theit site and go to this page to have the order placed.

    Functionality they want:
    - A page where they send someone to take the order. The page should have somewhat the look and feel (at least same colors and fonts) as their current page.
    - The product would be sold as a subscription, so the charge would be a recurring (monthly or annual) charge. Payment methods of credit card and should look professional (not PayPal for credit card).
    - Once order is placed, a set of emails would be sent (thank you to customer, message to key people at my client letting know that the order occurred so they can process).
    - There would be 1 product sold there, but be good if it could be set to handle a few different variations on this product.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    No. Heard good things about all of them in one way or another.

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