
Topic: Student Questions

Goals Versus Objectives Strategies And Tactics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Which are more general, goals or objectives?
What is the accepted difference between the two?
In other words, assuming they are Not conceptually
the same thing, do the goals of an organization lead
to its objectives, OR do the objectives lead to the
Also, it is accepted that strategies lead to more
specific tactics. Following this line of reasoning,
what do tactics lead to? Is there an accepted term
for "sub tactics?"
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    This sounds like a homework assignment, so I am moving it to the Student category.

    Have you visited the Important Guidelines page? Please go there and read everything, especially ITEM FIVE. It might help you understand how to reframe your question, which you can do by adding your own comments to this thread.

    Now, back to my gingerbread...

    Shelley ;]
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Strategies are broader than tactics, and tactics are used as steps to accomplish a strategy.

    Goal vs. objective - to me these are about the same thing.

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