
Topic: E-Marketing

Best Subject Line For Energy Analysis Offering

Posted by audreyewalker1 on 250 Points
Hello all,

I'm a new business development manager for a company that does comprehensive energy conservation consulting services for large commercial and industrial companies with facilities over 50,000 sq feet.

I'm reaching out to a list of businesses in a territory where we've been contracted by the local electric company to provide free energy audits to large energy consumers to help them reduce their energy usage (anywhere from 5% to 30%).

The audits are completely free. We get paid by the utility company.

I need assistance with my email marketing. Particularly the best subject line to use.

So far I'm using "Free Energy Audit" as a subject line in my introductory emails but am not getting any responses.

I think maybe people are skeptical of free offerings.

I'm directing the emails mostly to facilities managers, energy managers, operations managers and sometimes CFOs.

We have a long track record of working with large, respected national and multi-national companies like Kraft, Land O Lakes, Sysco Foods, Miller Brewing, etc... So we definitely have the portfolio to win new customers. I just need to get prospects engaged.

Thanks so much!
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    First, I would check your open rates to make sure that your messages are getting through. Depending on your mailer and other factors (including subject line, "free" is often a word that increases the chance of being flagged as spam by less robust spam filters).

    Once you confirm they are getting through, I would instead focus on the benefit you are offering (the 5 to 30% energy saving) rather than the feature (free audit). In the email, I would put it toward the start about how the utility will pay for them to have a free audit to see if money could be saved, as this would likely get over a possible objection they may have (cost).

    With emails, assuming you have a decent number of possible contacts, you can do A-B testing. Try one subject line to a few and another to a different set, and see which works better.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You have demonstrated once again that telling people what you do and how inexpensive it is doesn't work. Peter hit the nail on the head: tell them the benefit they can expect if they do what you want them to do. How will THEY be better off? What important problem of theirs do you solve?
  • Posted by audreyewalker1 on Author
    Peter and Mgoodman I appreciate your responses. I'd love to hear your ideas on how to work that in a subject line other than "Save 5 to 30% on your electrical bill".

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Guaranteed Lower Electrical Bills"
    "Bottom Line Electricity Discounts"
    "Corporate Discounts For Utility Bills"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Start by trying a series of A/B tests using the 3 suggestions from Jay. Share the results here and we will suggest 3 more that build on what we learn from the first 3.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Member
    Name of Utility offers a free energy audit.
    Cost you nothing; saves you much

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