
Topic: Student Questions

How Do I Get Into Marketing Without Going To Uni

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
i would love to get into a career into marketing i enjoy the subject more than others, i was just wondering from the experts that are in the marketing business, how can i get into makreting without going to university as i feel that is the wrong route for me to go through. I currently live in England, as i dont' know whether this site is English, or American. Please help!

cheers adam
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Hi Adam,

    This site is International; there are marketers from all over the world.

    There are a few from England as well. :)

    I am just a first year student, so i very fresh to the world.

    I have a few questions for you:

    why do you feel that Uni is not the correct route to go through? Is it because you don’t think you will be able to handle the pressure?

    How do you know you enjoy it?

    Anyway you should start reading, read lots of books, this website and other websites.

    Try getting some other qualifications that go around marketing like Accounting, business, and other subjects.

    Employers don’t look at the degree they only care that you were able to get one, I know that a few of the top 25 expert’s didn’t study marketing at uni. Blaine aka Jett, the top expert on this site started off as a Forensic scientist!!!!

    I hope this helps

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Why not apply for scholarships? There are hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for scholarships.

    There are scholarships for almost every course. You don’t even need to be smart/good at sport/ or good at a subject.

    When I was looking for a scholarships i found a scholarship where to be eligible you had to have a D average!!!!! there are plenty of sites out there at will search for scholarship for you.

    I suggest you apply for as many as you can, my friend applied for 100,000 worth of scholarships and got $2500, but that is $2500 he does not have to pay back. I also know that in American there is a $2500 scholarship for the most creative prom dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it gets offered every year by a fashion company.

    Just do a Google search for "scholarships". there are thousands of sites.

    Carl Crawford

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