
Topic: Student Questions

Concise Biblio On Ndsstsfctn Psychology??

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to find QUICKLY a concise, current bibliography of NeedsSatisfaction research, as it applies to behavioral modification in customer involvement: hopefully with articles and books, both -- even if some are older, more "established tomes" of behavioral psychology, that would be entirely desireable, as well. THANKS.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    This sounds like a homework assignment, so I am moving it to the Student category.

    It also sounds like something that might turn up after a good spin through the search engines. (It's not likely that any of the members here will have a bibliography tied up with a ribbon for you, in other words.)

    Rather than asking us to find this for you, you should consider visiting to pick up some great tips on how to use our beloved Google effectively. It might help you find your bibliography, and then some.

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