
Topic: Student Questions

Murray's List Of Psychogenic Needs

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am media student doing research on murray's List of psychogenic needs.I would like to know what is psychogenic needs. Knowing that there are 27 of them explain give examples with respect to how consumers react to advertisement. what do each of them mean and how did Henry murray arrive at them. the history. How is it used by media experts and especially advertisers.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Hi aprillai83,

    PLease DONT NOT post your home work here, we are willing to help but we DO NOT DO HOME WORK HERE. Please go and do search then come back with specific questions. If you dont know how to use google or dont get the info you need then go to Or feel free to contact me and get some help on asking the better question in KHE, i know you dont like home work (i dont either) but this has been assigned to you to do so you can learn and get a GOOD job once you finish your degree. I am only in my first year of study but please learn to use a search engine, this will help you with LIFE, you will become HIGHLY valued in your job. This is how i have made it to the top 25, i just use my google skils then summerise the results in my own words.

    Carl Crawford

    ps to get my email just click on my name and it will take you to my profile

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